Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shooting the Prelim Task

Last week on Friday, me and a group of three other people filmed a prelim task which was story boarded and organized and set up before hand. The piece was filmed in the film studio and took the good part of an hour to film. The film studio was the perfect location for this as there was a set built in with a door for the actor to enter from and then a window for the protagonist to sit by. I was given the role of director, so I had to organize all of the actors, instruct the camera man on what I wanted him to do and also help out anyone with anything they needed. Some of the things that I had to monitor were:

1) 180 degrees rule
2) Camera shot angles
3) Camera positions
4) light and sound

When to begin filming and when to cut the film With the lighting, I wanted to create a darkish look in the room, with one light on from overhead, keeping the actors lit but then also a blue light coming through the window creating an effect of daytime outside. The reason why this worked is because it enabled us to have continuity of lighting and create a feeling of realism and believability. Overall the day was a great success for the group!

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