Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Five stages of production

1) The first stage is Research and Development. This is one of most important parts of the process as it determines how the majority of your product is done. It consists of both research of the product, and also the development. For pop videos, during the research stage you would need to research your competition, which are the other bands making music videos, and usually of the same genre. You also need to research the target audience. For this you need to decide what age the target audience would be, what gender they would be and also from what social class and background they would be from. Then once you have done all this research, you can look into possible ideas. You would base these ideas best to suit the audience from your previous research.

The development stage is also vital. There are several areas to the development stage. The first of these is the pitch. Once you have done all your research, you will pitch your product (music video) to the production company who you want to fund your video. Once you have done this you will have to create a time line, a treatment, a storyboard, a casting sheet, and the practicalities. You would also have to do camera testing, which is where you check to see if your actors would suit the part, on a camera.

2) The second stage is the Pre-production stage. In this stage you have to produce on of the most important, vital pieces of paper work you will create in the whole production process. This is the call sheet. The call sheet consists of everything! It has all the wardrobe outfits, the conformation of the cast list, the makeup list, the location details, including a map to get to the location. It has all the lighting plans, the set plans etc.

3) The third stage is the production process. This is an obvious stage. It is the stage where you make your film (the shoot day). In this stage you shoot all of the video, ready for editing and after works.

4) The fourth stage is the post production stage. In this stage you will put the film together. You will sort out all of the shots in the editing stage, and also all the credits and music that goes with those shots. You will also add any after works such as SFX, CGI and any animation you want to use.

5) This is the final stage, where you release your product. Even this stage isn’t easy though. For this you need to know where you want to release your product, who to and for how long. This will probably link back to your research, as you are most likely to release your product where it will be seen by your target audience.

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