Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Colours used in film

when deciding how to light a set and what colours to use, the director will usually think about what emotion he wants to portray to the audience. In film, each colour is known to portray a different kind of image, and you can usually tell a lot about a character and the themes of the film through the use of colour. For example, in the film "The Wild Bunch" the colours used are very pasty, drab and seedy. these are colours such as brown. they also used black and white in certian areas. The reasons for this was because they wanted the area to look like a nasty worly with little colour and also the colour blck means bad, which is what the wild bunch were. It also makes the location look like a washed out world.

Different colours are also known to say a lot about a character in a film. You can usuallt tell alot about a character by the clother that they wear, and what colour they are. For example, somebody who wears lots of red is usually known as an outgoing, active and physical person, where as somebody whom wears lots of grey is usually known as self-reliant and independant.

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