Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Task 3: What kind of media institution might distrubute our media product and why

Characteristics of Hollywood Thrillers include stories that employ suspense in order to maintain interest, but thrillers exploit that particular narrative quality as much as possible. Main characters in thrillers are placed in menacing situations from which escape seems impossible. Themes often include terrorism, political conspiracy, love triangles that lead to murder, etc. Often the heroes are ordinary folk who are drawn into danger unknowingly or unwillingly. More often than not, the heroes of these movies are men, but occasionally women take a lead roll (think Linda Hamilton in The Terminator).In Comparison to the stereotypical characteristics of Hollywood Thrillers. Our thriller depicts some similar traits such as the fact that the main character can be juxtaposed to be a woman ( as Elizabeth Carter is the protagonist of our thriller), our themes include student relationship towards each other that leads to murder, and our main character is placed in menacing situations from which escape seems impossible leading to her death, thus i think our film has the potential to be produced by the Hollywood industry if developed further and have a-list professionals star in it.

Lionsgate Films are the sort of film institution that we would look to work with. There are many reasons for this. The first are the previous films that Lionsgate Films. They have been successful with several films, including the horror sequel, SAW, and also My bloody Valentine. All of these films were worldwide success stories earning millions. Lionsgate tend to make films which are either low budget or medium budget horrors. For example My bloody Valentine had a budget of 15 million and made a revenue of 100 million. This was a low to medium budget film. Lionsgate are also known for making good quality films with the money that they have. There are several reasons as to why Lionsgate would be a good Film company for our film to work with. The first reason is the fact that we are making a low to medium budget horror which Lionsgate have done many of. Ours is also a high quality product, and Lionsgate are known for their high quality outcome. We also have no stars involved, and Lionsgate tend to do films with no well known stars, enabling them to spend more money on the film itself. Lionsgate will also be able to advertise our film easily, as they are a well known company. Lionsgate own their own television channels showing horror films and would therefor allow us the oppertunity to advertise our film on their channel to get extra publicity. Lionsgate are also aimed at a male audience which would appeal to our film as it is mainly aimed at a male aidience. They also have their own website which would enable us to promote our film online and they also have distribution links with many countries allowing our film to have worldwide distribution oppertunities. By Lionsgate owning television channels and networks we would have the oppertunity to broadcast our film on the networks increacing our chances of making money. They will also go to lots of film festivals to play their products, so they would be able to advertise ours whilst doing so.

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